Monday, February 24, 2014

Important Information - Please read

Dear YLHS Golf Team Parents,
Your opportunity to golf in our upcoming tournament fundraiser at Black Gold at a discounted price is coming to an end next Friday (Feb 28)PLEASE get your tournament registration forms in by then so we have a headcount and so you can get the best price.  If you are using your "freebie card" to golf, please turn that in attached to the registration form so we have you in our headcount.  For foursomes, you can just deduct one fourth of the price if using the "freebie".   If you have not paid your dues ($325), please do so immediately to Coach Riggs so you can golf for free in the tournament (He has the freebie cards).
Please support the team by golfing in our tournament! Scramble format so any ability level can play.
**Also....all students who were on the team as of November should have turned in their gift card donations (from the business assigned to them) by January...please make sure your child has turned theirs in. They are an important part of our auction baskets at the tournament. 
++Price to golf now is $150.  Price to golf after Feb 28th is $185. Limited number of students will be allowed to play...speak to Coach Riggs.
!!  If anyone has any items to donate to the golfers' goodie bags (advertising your business), please contact asap.  thanks